I am a divorcee, want to marry again


The reason for the divorce is you were in a specific frequency and so you invited a person with whom you couldn’t leave.

Now, go and heal that person (you in the past) who got divorced. Send that person all the Reiki symbols; otherwise you will invite a similar person.

This is the case with the most of the divorces. Second marriages fail faster than first and the third faster than the second or may be worse than the previous marriage.

You could heal the cords between the previous partners too.

You are not the same person throughout your life. Every thought you think, every feeling or emotions you feel and the actions you take will change the frequency of you.

Therefore, you will invite different situations and different people, but similar to the past.

Also, heal the past of the person you are going to marry.

Heal the marriage of persons in their family.

Of course, heal the marriage of your parents as you instinctively follow their approach, may be of a different degree, but the content is the same.

About Naran S Balakumar

Naran balakumar is a herbalist practising bach flower therapy for the last 21 years. Naran is a Reiki master teacher.

Posted on September 19, 2013, in Find Life Partner, Getting re-married and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Good evening to you sir,
    What are the reiki symbols I should use in this case? And where could I get them?
    Thank you for your reply

  2. Dear Sir ,
    Please explain how we should heal the family members like brother in law , brother & sister in law . Where my brother how is the source of worry in my life same as brother in law ( by husband brother ) . I’m unable forgive what my brother did for me , my sisters & my parents , as my brother in law’s behavior is same & worst than my brother . He is the source & center of all the worries and losses in our life .kindly advise me how can I heal both of them . I have done 2 nd level reiki and following all your divine advise

    Thanks & Regards

    • Dear Nayana

      When are you going to release your brother-in-law from life? You can’t as like everybody you are tied by your family karma. However, you can heal them using Reiki Past-Life Healing CD. The second version is getting ready, Buy it and use it. If you are in a hurry, get the first version.

      Every day put your memories of them, into the silver triangle. Yes, every single day. Try to recollect whether your mother or father had similar experiences. This CD will get you out of those memories and thus, create a new life.

      From my experience: I thought I am the white sheep, while rest of my family members are black sheep. What a folly? I found after listening to the CD and trying out the Reiki past-life healing for several months, I found the bits and bytes of my personality is created out of the life-genes of my parents and grandparents. For example, recently I found when I got cold, I frown exactly like my maternal grand-mother.

      So heal them, heal yourself continuously.

      Sometime back, I asked Naran about life He said we are like a boat anchored in some place (same memories), and so we keep going around the same place forever. Unless we release the anchor (memories), we can’t move on in our life.

      Release your memories.

      Good luck


      R Mohan

      • Dear Mohan
        Thanks a lot for your divine advise , & follow as you advise
        But as for I know my father was only a son and he had never had any relationship karma , even my mother had very cordial relation with her brother & sisters . & I didn’t see anything like this with my grand parents . But I believe that it’s my karma started with my bro before my marriage . Since i didn’t forgive him , I have attracted my brother in law . Honestly it’s very difficult to forgive them how ever I will follow your advise and heal myself to forward in life .

        Thanks a lot again ,

  3. Very nice R mohan

  4. I am going through exactly what Naran Sir has said. My first marriage broke very horribly, second was only on paper which broke within just 1 week, though the whole process took 3 years to complete. And third one now is on verge of breaking. I am going through a really horrible stage in life. Many times I have even wished that this life would end for me. I am not a reiki channel, how can i heal my past and try to correct my present?


    • Prepare a list of people you need to heal. Write their names in separate pieces of paper.

      Take one paper thinking about the person, chant “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love thanks together divine” for at least three minutes.

      Do it for all people in the list.

      I asked a friend of mine to do this exercise for all the people she know. About 300 of them. She took each paper and said the mantra for three times. Within three months her marriage got fixed.

      The strategy behind this technique – for some reason we are holding anger, and grudges against each person we have met. When it is released, good things started to happen. It could be marriage, a good job or money from unknown source.

  5. Dear Mohan,
    Please let me know what one has to do with written piece of paper after this exercise like need to throw / burnt / put in water.

  6. Thank you Mohan

  7. Hi,
    I am doing the forgiving exercise taking each paper in hand, for the last 10 days everyday. Today when I was doing it, I was getting an strong urge to burn each paper. Is this kind of urge because I have released my past? The feeling was very strong that I should now go and burn the papers so that I am free from my past. Does this happen to everyone? Is it normal to have such urge? Please let me know.


    • vasantha

      i will also be keen to get an answer to this too as it is true in my case too where i have felt same and discarded the pprs.

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