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Became good friends with mother-in-law


I want to tell you that myself and my mother-in-law became good friends after doing the forgiving exercises…

Related Blogs

You can change your spouse:

Tie your problems and throw them away:

Husband threatens to kill me


Joe told me that her husband has friends in Facebook and spends most of the time with them. He hardly finds time for her. If she questions him, he tries to beat her.

Joe once told me that her husband threatened to kill her with a knife. Knowing her husband, who is a friendly and Joe a nagging person, I didn’t take her statement seriously back then. May be it would have happened out of frustration from her husband’s side than trying to kill her.

So, I consulted Naran as this case is a complex one.


Ask her to do the following exercise. No remedies will work for her, unless she does it.

Ask her to affirm as many times as possible, “I release the part that ignores him. I align with that part that loves him deeply and totally”.

In fact, this exercise can be done by all couples.

Harmony packed for marriage


My husband keeps complains that in this world, “Everyone hates me. I have no good friends, relatives. Because everyone tries to take advantage of me, I keep away from my relatives and friends”.

Also, my husband does not like me inviting anyone on the weekends, meet anyone outside and visit any of my relatives or friends house.  He insults me and abuses me in front of others.

Knowing this some of my friends does not want to visit my house as they cannot take what my husband does to me. Literally, I have no one visiting my new house.

I do not know what to do. Can you suggest something?




Beech, Willow, Holly, Agrimony, and Cherry Plum are Bach Flower Remedies. This is one of the combinations – HARMONY PACK, I suggest for finding harmony within one’s family.

Fault-finding: BEECH

Blaming others for one’s problems: WILLOW

Intense rage and suspicions’ about some members in the family: HOLLY

Seeking peace: AGRIMONY

Not to lose control: CHERRY PLUM

Disharmony in Family and Marriage

Switch Words

WITH means is to be compatible with the opposite or concerned person.

Chant the switch words, “TOGETHER DIVINE WITH … (Name of the person)” when you want the other person to agree with you.

When you want a harmonious atmosphere chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH. If you chant this switch word combination, the atmosphere will change beautifully.

Don’t bother about the names of the persons who need harmony. Just chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH.  Still it works beautifully.

At the subconscious level of the mind there is no ‘you’ and ‘me’. Everything is one. At the subconscious level there is no differentiation, all are one.

The difference is because of the body, and of the mind’s association with the body. That’s why we see the difference between each other

Bach Flower Remedies

Resolving the destructive tendencies – if relationship is to be mended then take the following remedies:

  • AGRIMONY for open communication
  • BEECH to understand other’s point of view; to have tolerance
  • WILLOW to stop blaming and to forgive
  • WALNUT to adjust and to be compromising
  • CHERRY PLUM not to burst out
  • HOLLY for suspicion and back biting
  • CHICORY to give and not to force one

Naran’s Products

From the introduction of Inner Smile CD: “We normally ignore our organs. We always take the body for granted. The day when we send our love, our smile to the organs, they become our friends. A friendly relationship with our organs is a must to maintain our harmony outside. If there is conflict or disharmony in others, become silent and send your love to your organs. A weekly listening of the CD will establish harmony in every aspect of our life”.

Rule your Mind

How to purchase the harmony I seek in my life? Ask a simple question to yourself.

What do I want?

What emotions or thoughts I need to have so that I can achieve what I want.

What behavior of mine or my action will take me move towards this goal?

On the other hand, what state of mind will take me away from my goal – my anger or forgiveness, my worry or my endurance (giving love in spite of not receiving), and my sadness or my fortitude?